It took about an hour and a half to enter Zushi city. In the summer the city is crowded with beachgoers, but at that time all the things were quiet. Heading toward Hayama, I turned left and found a liquor store on the right. It was the store where you should ask if you get lost. Turning the corner of the store, I found the villa close.
Probably because he had worked his way through college, the President’s political aim was to work for the powerless and voiceless people.
I have never thought that my paintings would sell. It is just that I can’t do anything else, that I was born to love to paint, and that I lived my life only for the pleasure of paintings.
Objects are supposed to fall straight down if they are dropped from the top of a tower. To tell the truth, however, this is not strictly true.
Living in a foreign country often causes too much tension and anxiety to fail. On the contrary, there are not a few cases where it brings positive results. It is quite common for those who left their country because of conflicts with the people around them to be successful as a socialite in a foreign country. Nevertheless, if one expects that by going abroad one will be happy because one’s personal defects will be tolerated, one cannot avoid disappointment in the first place.
Reading is essentially a process of widening one’s scope by being in contact with others while at home and deepening one’s self by doing so. Therefore, unless you are tolerant enough to take an interest in and listen to different opinions and views from yours, it would be all for nothing no matter how many books you read.
I almost missed my flight this morning. The alarm went off at half-past five, and I indeed managed to get up, but things went wrong after that. First of all, I couldn’t find my new tie anywhere. So I had to settle for an old, worn-out one. Then the hat. After struggling to find my hat, I happened to look in the mirror and found that I was wearing it. More haste, less speed.
Our second-grade son said he lost his membership card of the swimming club he started to go to recently. He was so careless that he must have lost it on his way, I thought, but then it was mailed to us three days later. I can’t even thank the sender because there is no address written on it.
Human beings have a natural desire for recognition. Artists, for example, must not only love to paint but must also want to exhibit their work in exhibitions and be recognized as artists.
It is said that students today are poor at Kanji. If students consult Japanese dictionaries even half as often as English-Japanese dictionaries, there would be no reason to complain about the decline in their academic ability in Kanji.
孫たちが騒いでいたらしく、室は散らかり放題散らかっていたが、彼は少しも気にしなかった。椅子の上にのっている玩具を自分でのけて、 「どうぞ」 と私に言って、自分も腰をかけた。
Apparently because his grandchildren had run wild, the room was as messy as can be, but he didn’t mind a bit. Putting away the toys on the chairs himself, “Please have a seat,” he said to me, and then sat down himself as well.
Others’ faults are hard to point out face to face. It is the nature of people to pretend not to be aware of your faults even if they actually are. That’s why you should appreciate those friends who can tell you what is difficult to point out.
「息子さんは、いつも行き先を言って行かないんですか」 「言いません。聞いても生返事しかしませんし、好きなようにさせております」 「それで、一昨日も黙って出かけたわけですか」 「ええ」
“Doesn’t your son always tell you where he’s going?” “No. Even if you ask him where he is going, he’ll only give you a vague answer, so I let him have his own way.” “And he went out without telling you the day before yesterday.” “Yes.”
Those who assume that books must be borrowed and not be bought are the last person to experience the real pleasure of reading. Such people think of reading as nothing more than a way to pass the time.
「このごろ変な電話がよくかかってくるんです。こんな時どうしたらよいでしょうか。」 「そうですね。別によい知恵も浮かびませんが、とにかくまず警察に届けたらどうですか。」
“I get a lot of strange phone calls these days. What should I do in such a case?” “Well, I can’t think of any good idea, but anyway, why don’t you report it to the police first?”
There must be a topic that is appropriate for every occasion, and it is important to find one successfully. To do so, you need to have a lot of topics to talk about first.
「今日の地震ずいぶん大きかったね」 子供は学校から帰るなり母親に言った。 「そうだったわね。震度4だったそうよ」 「算数の時間の時でね。グラグラッてきたから、ぼくはすぐ、お母さんの作ってくれたあの頭巾をかぶって、机の下にもぐったんだ。地震のおかげで最後の15分つぶれたもんだから、みんな、もうかったって言ってたよ」
“The earthquake was pretty big today, wasn't it?” The child said to his mother as he came home from school. “That’s right. They say it registered four*1.” “It was during my math class. When it started to wobble, I immediately put on the hood that Mom had made, and crawled under my desk. Everyone said we were lucky because the earthquake killed the last fifteen minutes of class.”
To know your own home well, you need to see it from outside the home. This is the kind of thing that you can understand about Japan only when you visit a foreign country. Probably everyone remembers that they visited relatives as a child and were surprised to find out that what was taken for granted at their home was not by another.
I couldn't sleep probably because I had dozed off at noon. Turning on the stand light by my bedside, I started reading a mystery novel. I was about a third of the way through the story when I suddenly looked up from my book. I felt I heard what sounded like footsteps somewhere, but everybody in the house was asleep, and there was apparently no wind outside. I wondered if it was just my imagination.
母から東京に出てきていた叔父さんのために、列車の切符を買いに行くように言われた。 「自分で行けばいいのに。」 「叔父さんは、今日はどうしても人と会っておかなければならない用件があって出掛けたのよ。知っているでしょう。早く行ってらっしゃい。」
My mother told me to go buy a train ticket for my uncle coming out to Tokyo. “He could*2 do it by himself.” “He had to go out today to meet with someone, and you must know that. Go ahead now.
It is natural for humans to evaluate everything immediately; We are quick to judge certain actions as good or bad. Of course, it may be because of this that human beings have made progress. What is important here, however, is that we should always make it clear from which point of view we can judge such judgments as good or bad.
Over the past twenty years or so, we have come to use the telephone as a means of communication too much. Young people in particular seem to have almost completely lost the custom of writing letters and do most of their business by telephone.
Have you ever experienced that a familiar sight suddenly seems new and unusual, as if you were seeing it for the first time? Such experience makes us realize that we assume we see things everyday, and yet we do not see anything at all.
The freshness that you feel when you put on your glasses for the first time is as many people confess. At first, it seems as if you have been reborn in another world, but this wonderment does not last for long, sooner or later becoming the norm. You won't even notice that you are wearing glasses. Consequently, when for some reason you have to live without them, you will rediscover the value of glasses again.
When I was a child, I visited a relative of mine in the country and stepped into a nearby river. I couldn't swim, so I walked upstream in barefoot. It was pleasant to feel the resistance of the water up to my knees as I walked step by step.
The journey makes our hearts open and full of anticipation. This is true not only at the beginning but also at any time as long as we are traveling. As everybody has experienced, during our journey we often get a fresh surprise from what we see and hear and a strong impression from what happened to us.
人類をはじめとする生物が、この地球上で生きていけるのは、大気、水、土の三つがそろっているからだ。どれが欠けても、どれが汚染されても、人間は生きていけない。だが地上にすでに46億人と、かつてない数にまでふえた人間は、いまこの生存に欠かせない自然を破壊し尽くそうとしている。 (注)汚染する:pollute
What makes possible all lives of living things*3 on this earth including human beings is the three elements: air, water, and soil; The lack or pollution of any one of them will cause the extinction of human beings. Nevertheless, with an unprecedented number of 4.6 billion humans already on the planet, we are now in the process of destroying the nature that is essential to our survival.
That self which you think you understand is only a small part of yourself. It is rather others who often tell us things about yourself which you are not aware of. One would like to always lend an ear at least to such words of others.
「受験勉強にいらしたんだそうですね。」 さっきぼくに水をついでくれた隣の青年が話しかけてきた。 「はあ。」 「どうか、しっかりやって下さい。私など中途半端に学業を放棄してしまったものですから、もう一度やり直しができたらなあ、とよく思うんです。」
“I hear you're here to study for the entrance exams.” The young man next to me, who had just poured me a glass of water, started talking to me. “Yes.” “Please do your best. I abandoned my studies halfway through, so I often wish I could do it all over again.”
Often you are asked to sing a song when you go out for a drink. I consider that to be a barbarous custom. For me, singing in public is nothing but a painful experience. On the other hand, however, there are some people who are itching to sing in the presence of others, and, for my part, I like listening to them singing.
There was an oriental bamboo growing beautifully in the garden. While I was standing in a corner of the garden and looking at them with nostalgia, an old American lady said to me, “I have heard that you Japanese eat bamboo, but how do you eat such a tough thing?”. I explained to her, “It may sound strange to eat bamboo, but what we eat is bamboo shoots boiled until soft.” She looked convinced.
A few years ago, my old elementary school was renovated. The wooden school building was torn down and replaced with a new reinforced concrete one, which can be found everywhere. I couldn't bring myself to go into the new school building. For one thing, I felt a sense of loneliness that it was no longer the school I had left.
When a book is difficult to understand, it is not always the fault of the book, but because the reader is inexperienced. In such cases, there is probably no other choice but to wait for the reader to mature. Not a few people seem to have had the experience of reading the same book for the first time in many years and finding it easier to understand and more interesting.
We have a persistent image of studying as something that is hard work, or something that we have to work hard for our future even if it is hard now. If you think about it, it is unfortunate that we can only accept studying in terms of suffering now for the sake of our future happiness. We have just been forced to live with it, haven't we?
(1) 予想していた人数の4倍の人が来てくれた。
We had four times as many people as we expected.
(2) こんなに朝はやく電話してくるなんて、どういうつもりだ。
Who the hell do you think you are to call me up so early in the morning?
(3) 君に言われたとおり、もっと勉強しておくんだった。
Like you said, I should've studied harder.
(4) 私を起こさないでくれれば、遅く帰ってきてもかまわないよ。
I don't mind if you come home late, as long as you don't wake me up.
(1) 不平ばかり言うのは、いいかげんにやめてくれ。僕だって、やりたくてやっているんじゃないんだ。
It's time to stop complaining about it. I don't wanna do this either.
(2) われわれの知る世界地図において、すくなくとも人類の生活可能な地域については、ほぼ19世紀終わりまでに、すべて神秘の帷は剥ぎ取られてしまったといってよい。海岸線という海岸線*4は、幾多大航海者の輩出によって、確実に跡づけられ、アフリカや中央アジアの内部まで、つぎつぎと明るみにだされた。
On the world map as we know it, it is fair to say that by around the end of the nineteenth century, at least all the habitable areas have been stripped of their veil of mystery. Each and every coastline has been steadily traced by numerous voyagers, one after another bringing to light even the interior of Africa and Central Asia.
When to get married, whether to have children, etc. should be at the discretion of each individual. At the same time, however, it is worthwhile to consider what kind of society we will have if the birthrate declines and the population continues to age. If this trend continues, one out of every four people will be sixty-five or over in less than thirty years.
(1) たとえば今の小学生あたりに、昔は電気を使わない、木でできた冷蔵庫があったのだと言っても、たぶん信じないであろう。電気も使わないでどうして冷えるんだ、と反論されてしまうに違いない。 今の冷蔵庫は氷を作る。だが昔の冷蔵庫は氷を別に買い、その氷の冷たさで他の食品を低温冷蔵したのだ。大人ならみんな知っていることである。
For example, if you told today's schoolchildren that there used to be wooden refrigerators that did not use electricity, they would probably not believe you. They would probably ask you how it could be possible to keep things cool without electricity. Modern refrigerators make ice. Old refrigerators, however, used to refrigerate foods by the coldness of the ice you bought separately in advance. Every adult knows this.
(2) 我々のまわりでは現在でも、苦しいことに耐える苦行としての意味を読書にもたせていることが少なくない。苦労のある読書の方がぼんやり見ていられるテレビなどより価値があるに決まっている、と考えるのである。
Even today, it is not uncommon for people around us to give reading a meaning as a painful act of endurance; They believe that reading books painstakingly is undoubtedly more valuable than watching television idly.
(1) 生きているうちは、特別に重んじもせず、大切にもしなかったのであるが、彼女が死んでみてはじめて、やはりいい人だったと気がついた。もう少し親切にしてあげるのだった、と私は心から思った。
While she was alive, I didn't give her any special weight or importance. It was not until she passed away that I realized she had really been a good person. I sincerely felt that I should have been more kind to her.
(2) あるアメリカ人の日本学者が言った。「日本人のふしぎなところは、いなかを一段下に見ることですね。アメリカ人はニューヨークに住むよりも、いなかに住みたがります。日本人の場合、逆ではないでしょうか。」
An American Japanologist once said, "One strange thing about the Japanese is that they look down on the countryside. Americans would rather live in the country than in New York. The opposite is the case with the Japanese."
Humans probably have had the custom of applying make-up to their innate faces since prehistoric times, when they found some respite in their lives. No other animal has ever done this; This would be a fundamental human trait, like walking upright on two legs or speaking a language.
Hideo Kobayashi said, "If you are preoccupied with the present, you will lose the meaning of life." By that he probably meant that if you are satisfied with just doing what you assume you should do in your daily life, your life will be over before you know it.
There is a growing worldwide movement to reduce plastic waste. Eliminating plastic containers and packaging for food etc. and charging for plastic bags would be the easiest thing to do. There is also a noticeable movement to replace them with paper products and biodegradable materials. However, the most important thing is that each of us should be aware in our daily lives that it is we ourselves who are polluting our irreplaceable natural environment with plastic waste. Yet it is true that changing awareness is difficult; When I bought bottled water the other day, I accepted the plastic bag that I was offered at the cash register, thinking that the books in my own bag might get wet due to the moisture on the outside of the bottle.
In order to live, one must first have some confidence. If we push through only with confidence, however, we will eventually find ourselves in a position to harm others. Only by realizing that our beliefs are dubious to a certain extent can we cultivate an attitude of tolerance. By the duality of self-confidence and doubt, dogmatism and skepticism, we want to deal with the world.