
There is scarce any one so floating and superficial in his Understanding, who hath not some reverenced Propositions, which are to him the Principles on which he bottoms his Reasonings; and by which he judgeth of Truth and Falshood, right and wrong; which some, wanting skill and leisure, and others the inclination, and some being taught, that they ought not, to examine; there are few to be found, who are not exposed by their Ignorance, Laziness, Education, or Precipitancy, to take them upon trust.

Locke, J. (1690). An Essay concerning Human Understanding. Thomas Basset.


  • some, wanting skill and leisure (to examine)
  • others (wanting) the inclination (to examine) (be inclined to が隠れている)
  • some being taught, that they ought not (to examine)

と上手い具合に無駄なく使っていることが分かります。文脈を考えセミコロンを見ることで先行詞は Propositions となります。以下、拙訳です。
