BLT1 誤植一覧

メモが散逸する前に BLT1 の誤植や不注意と思われる箇所を一覧にしておきます.ただし,たとえば次の p. 139 のような根本的に修正した方が良いような箇所については,キリがないので省略してあります.

When a man refers to a woman as his girlfriend, this implies a romantic (and, potentially, sexual) relationship. But when a woman refers to another woman as her girlfriend, then in most circumstances it simply describes a boon companion (with no sexual overtones).

原文 提案
9 Some languages only allow (C)V, with no final vowel Some languages only allow (C)V, with no final consonant
43 function of the NP in the clause function of the NP in the clause
113 an intransitive verb is being an intransitive verb being
135 ..., therefore ... ...; therefore ...
135 ..., however ... ...; however ...
141 a transitive suffix a transitive suffix -ta
157 ‘I round.object-picked coconut’ ‘I round.object-picked coconut’ for ‘I picked a coconut’
197 rai rai
197 tadraa tadraa
199 [madrai] [madraⁱ]
229 Subject is Subject is
244 Language 2 での 1n 1a 1v 2n 2a 2v
244 Language 3 での 1n 1a 1v 3n 3a 3v
251 if moras 削除

追記 (20240427): p. 337 の word class whose primary function is as head of an NP は BLT3 で word class whose primary function is a head of an NP に変更されていたように見えたので誤植としましたが、今見返すとすべて as だったので撤回します。おそらく、pivot の定義が BLT1-2 では a topic which is recognizable で BLT3 では a topic which a recognizable になっていることを発見した際に混同したはずです。