KaTeX の数式内テキストのフォントを変更する

The letters listed above will render properly in any KaTeX rendering mode.

In addition, Armenian, Brahmic, Georgian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean glyphs are always accepted in text mode. However, these glyphs will be rendered from system fonts (not KaTeX-supplied fonts) so their typography may clash. You can provide rules for CSS classes .latin_fallback, .cyrillic_fallback, .brahmic_fallback, .georgian_fallback, .cjk_fallback, and .hangul_fallback to provide fallback fonts for these languages. Use of these glyphs may cause small vertical alignment issues: KaTeX has detailed metrics for listed symbols and most Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic letters, but other accepted glyphs are treated as if they are each as tall as the letter M in the current KaTeX font.

If the KaTeX rendering mode is set to strict: false or strict: "warn" (default), then KaTeX will accept all Unicode letters in both text and math mode. All unrecognized characters will be treated as if they appeared in text mode, and are subject to the same issues of using system fonts and possibly using incorrect vertical alignment.

For Persian composite characters, a user-supplied plug-in is under development.

Any character can be written with the \char function and the Unicode code in hex. For example \char"263a will render as ☺.

By default, KaTeX math is rendered in a 1.21× larger font than the surrounding context, which makes super- and subscripts easier to read.


.cjk_fallback {
    font-family: "Ten Mincho", serif;
    font-size: 80%;

系 3.4.3 $L$ を $K$ の有限次ガロワ拡大とし,$G=\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$ とする.

  1. ガロワ理論の基本定理)$G$ の部分群 $H$ に不変部分体 $M=L ^ H$ を対応させる写像 $$\lbrace G\text{ の部分群}\rbrace\to\lbrace K\text{ と }L\text{ の中間体}\rbrace$$ は可逆である.逆写像は中間体 $M$ をガロワ群 $\operatorname{Gal}(L/M)=\lbrace\sigma\in G\mid x\in M\text{ ならば }\sigma(x)=x\rbrace\subset G$ にうつす写像である.
